
7 Quick Life Hacks That Will Save You Money
Life hacks are popular online because they provide quick and simple solutions to problems that anyone can implement in a matter of minutes. These include things like quicker ways to tie your laces; smart recipes you can make from home and clever tricks you can use to be more productive. To be a good life […]

Chrismas Has Come Early: Six Economic Gifts for That Special Lady
If you really love the woman in your life, there isn’t a need to wait for holidays or birthdays to buy them a gift they’ll cherish forever. Instead, consider surprising her with a gift you know she’ll love, and it doesn’t hurt that you’ll be impressive in her friends’ eyes as well. If the only […]

The Creative Classroom: Everyday Items for Your Decorating Needs
99.5 percent of teachers report using their own money for their classrooms. A major chunk of this cash goes towards decorations. While your school district may supply the basics, you would be remiss to expect the district to give you everything that you need. Luckily, there are ways that you can decorate your classroom on […]
Smart Strategies for Enjoyable Frugal Living
When one hears the phrase “frugal living,” it is often associated with a comprehensive penny-pinching lifestyle that comes with an underserved social stigma. Images of freakishly miserly people reusing toilet paper, or wearing clothes made out of recently recycled trash. Truth be told, we all should be keen on conserving resources, especially since the global […]