
Energy Efficiency: How Geothermal Energy Can Help You Save Money
Whether it is cutting coupons or finding other ways to cut back on spending, we all enjoy finding new ways to save money. One of the smartest ways one can do this is with the use of geothermal energy. This energy is taken from the water passing through rocks underneath the Earth’s surface. This energy […]

4 Air Conditioning Installation Factors That Affect Energy Efficiency
When you are installing a new air conditioning unit it is important that your contractor does it properly to make sure that you get the maximum energy efficiency possible. There are many factors that must be taken into account when installing your new unit. Size of the unit, size of your home, type of unit […]

Don’t Spend Your Budget on Wasteful Electric Usage
is that it costs money; no power company will render their services for free. The more units of power you consume, the more you will pay. For a business, this can significantly increase your operating costs hence affecting profitability. It is, therefore, important to avoid wastefulness and here are a few tips on how you […]

Saving Money With A Whole Home Performance Audit
A good way to make your home a great deal more energy efficient is by determining where your home is using energy that you are paying for monthly. A home energy audit is a great way to do this, and will enable you to figure out the energy saving products and methods that will help […]

Oil and Gas Industry – An Overview – Infographic
Here’s a great infographic showing where we get our oil from and where it’s used. Our oil supply is the lifeblood of the global economy.