Five Of The Most Common Financial Mistakes Most People Make
Personal finance management is tough for many people. Financial education is non-existent in most high schools and many parents lack sound financial skills to pass on. Here are five financial mistakes most people make. Failure to Budget Failure to budget is one of the most common and most devastating financial mistakes a person, or family, […]
Living on a Budget Increases Personal Wellness
Living on a budget increases personal wellness in a variety of ways. Managing your money reduces stress, which can prevent serious health problems. People who live on a budget are more likely to maintain a healthier diet because they eat at home. Living on a budget also helps people save money, which might be needed […]
Save, Don’t Spend: Seven Things We Pay Too Much Money For And Why
Like most people, you probably worry that you are paying too much for the things you purchase. Although the old axiom about getting what you pay for is true in some circumstances, there are a number of goods and services that people routinely pay too much for. Here are seven examples to help you cut […]
How Young Professionals Should Budget their Income
When you have just graduated from college the ‘real world’ of work can come across as a mysterious place filled to the brim with a variety of incomings, outgoings and extra expenses. It can be something of a shock to the system to put it mildly! Sensible budgeting for all areas of a working life […]
Need to Save Money? Look at the Little Things
The desire to save money can make it feel like grand sweeping changes are needed. Sometimes that’s true. Anyone who is knee-deep in debt or financially under water in an overly lavish home might need to make big sacrifices to get back on track. Yet plenty of other “regular” people just want to finally start […]
The Top Five Personal Finance Tips That Will Save You Time and Money
In tough economic times, everyone is looking for new ways to save money. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help make sure you do have enough money to make ends meet. Below are the five top personal finance tips that will help you save money. Create Budgets One reason many people do not […]