Student Loans

4 Ways to Speed up the Process of Paying off Student Loans
The average student accrues several thousands of dollars in student debt when earning their degrees. While most students work to pay off these loans as soon as they start working after college, these loans are often overwhelming, especially as the interest begins to grow. Despite being faced with these growing loans as new graduates, there […]

How to Afford the Cost of Rising University Fees
Whether you study in a classroom, or take an online degree such as an online masters of social work from Rutgers Online, university is expensive. With fees rising every year, it’s becoming more difficult for students to manage. While studying, you need to think about not only affording fees, but also general living expenses and […]

Education Financing Doesn’t Always Add Up for Students
View image | The cost of education is not a trivial expense for most families. So despite the importance of higher education, students are finding a hard time covering England’s university fees. And though there are limits imposed on publicly funded universities in England and Wales, meeting the current tuition thresholds still requires substantial […]

Degree Without the Debt: Getting Your Child Through School Debt Free
College expenses are at record highs, and many families have to resort to taking out loans to afford a good education. Unfortunately, the burden of paying back these loans means that many former students are unable to get financing for other things such as a car or house. There are, however, several ways in which […]
Top 5 Strategies to Paying Off Student Loans
According to the College Board, the average coast of higher education has increased by a staggering 130% over the previous two decades. To put it in perspective, in this day and age certain private institutions, like Sarah Lawrence, cost well over $40,000 for one single semester. Yes, college students are facing higher tuition costs than […]