
All You Need To Know About Loan Repayment And Why Is It Important
The personal loan outstanding in India appreciated by more than 12% between September 2020 and September 2021. This was not only indicative of increased borrowing but also poorer repayment. The figure was around Rs.26 lakh crore in 2020, exceeding Rs.29 lakh crore by September 2021. In that same period, outstanding overall credit increased by just […]

What is the Longest Tenure to Get a Personal Loan?
The uncertainty about prospects, particularly during the pandemic, often exposes people’s financial security vulnerabilities. Personal loans emerge in such situations as indomitable solutions to improve a financial situation and advance financial health. Long-term personal loans refer to any loan given for a period ranging between 3-7 years. These are the longest possible tenures for personal […]

What Are The Eligibility Criteria And Documents Required For A Loan Against Property?
India has witnessed immense growth in its economy with a GDP of $2.716 trillion. However, a drop in the GDP has been observed recently, from 7.5% in 2018 to 6.8% in 2019. Due to this decrease in GDP, India has also seen a massive rise in the inflation rate from 3.48% in 2018 to 3.88% […]

6 Tips To Follow When Applying For a Personal Loan
The advent of technology has touched almost all sections of life and finance industry is no exception. Yes, you can apply for a personal loan for salaried person online on a lender’s website and don’t need to visit the lender physically. Similarly, you can get a personal loan approval within minutes and money disbursed in […]

Know How to Stay Away from the Flat Interest Rate Trap
Are you going to apply for a home loan to buy your home loan? Congratulations! Availing a loan facility to fulfilling a wish is not a new concept these days. People apply for a personal loan, home loan, education loan, loan against property and more. The procedure of availing a loan has made it simple […]

Pros and Cons Of Debt Consolidation Loans On An Individual’s Finances
Mounting debts from multiple sources can be one of the worst experiences for an individual. It can get in the way of one’s leading a financially balanced life. It also affects one’s CIBIL score adversely. A majority of borrowers may have to take multiple loans to meet the various planned and unplanned expenses. It can […]