Identity Theft

5 Signs Your Business Network Has Been Hacked — and What to Do About It
There are many warning signs your business’s network has been hacked, and there are as many reasons you may assume your business will never be hacked. Unfortunately, by the time your network begins to behave erratically, it is usually too late for more than damage control. As global dependency on the Internet increases, cyber-hacking and […]

Spending On Information Assurance Could Save Your Finances
In an age when it is possible for hackers to penetrate your network and gain access to finance information or customer passwords, it is crucial that you invest the necessary money into information security. Doing so can not only prevent a disaster, but it can pay for itself in the immediate future. The smaller a […]

4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Thieves
You’ve heard about the horrors of identify theft. You may know someone who has been a victim. Depending on the thief and their level of experience, the crime can be an upsetting inconvenience or an absolute nightmare. Applying for credit cards is only the beginning. Some skilled identity thieves will take out massive loans in your […]

Safeguarding Tax Returns from Identity Theft
If you asked most people if they would notice a theft, the vast majority would be certain that they would spot any loss. Muggers, pickpockets and burglars all make their attendance known fairly quickly but there’s another type of light-fingered individual who shrouds himself in far more secrecy: the identity thief. Identity theft has been […]