Car Maintenance That Can Cost A Bundle If Not Kept Up With

| August 19, 2013

auto repair

There are things that happen inside your vehicle that, if unchecked, can cause you more than one headache. Not only can these malfunctions be costly, they can lead to lethal safety issues.

Car repairs may be costly, but you have options. If you don’t have cash or enough credit for emergencies, consider applying for a cash advance, which may cover some of the costs. Here are some of the maintenance activities you should consider to prevent major repairs.

Radiator Flush

Flushing your radiator should be as essential to your car as the tires or the rearview mirror. Your radiator is what cools down your engine. Over its running time, the engine builds up an extreme amount of heat. The radiator contains coolant. This coolant sucks up the engine’s heat throws it off into the air.

Coolant deteriorates with time, which limits the amount of heat reduction in the engine. Have you ever seen the “car-b-ques” on the side of the road? More than likely they didn’t have a clean and flushed radiator. The consensus recommendation is to have your radiator flushed every 30,000 miles. If you live in an area with weather extremes, it’s best to get a flush before every change of season, according to

Change the Oil

Your car’s oil keeps things functioning properly by removing the byproducts of your car’s inner workings. Think of your oil like a kitchen sponge. It starts out fresh and clean. Over several dish sessions, your sponge starts to get a little grimy. It’s at this point where you make a change: you swap out the old sponge for a fresh one. Same thing with your oil.2

Most people’s opinions on the frequency of oil changes are to perform it once every 3,000 miles. There are several types of driving. That 3,000 mile marker could be a totally different figure depending on your driving type. There is the short-type driving here you hit the grocery store or the bank. This driving type doesn’t allow for oil to properly work in your car. It needs to be heated to be effective. The oil will get dirtier quicker, and will need to be changed out. 3,000 miles is too soon, though. A better recommendation to avoid wasting oil is to get a change every 5,000 miles. The other type of driving is long distance. This type allows for oil to do its job properly. Everything inside your engine is more fluid and therefore more productive. You’ll want to look at changing out every 7,500 miles or so to avoid wasting perfectly functioning oil, according to

Replace Brake Pads

Your car’s brake pads function in the same way as a bicycle’s brakes do. When the brakes are activated, the brakes clamp down on the wheels to prevent motion. Between the brakes clamping parts and the wheel are brake pads. The pads act as a cushion between the clamp and the wheel. With a damaged or non-existent brake pad, the clamping mechanism has nothing to grab onto, according to This means that you won’t be braking for that near-miss as soon as you thought. You may end up in that accident yourself.3

There’s no mile marker to act as a guide for when to change your brake pads. Getting a routine car maintenance check will alert you to how thin your brake pads are getting. The general rule is this: If you hear a squeaking or other tinny noise when you press the brakes, it’s time to get them changed.






Category: Car Repair

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