Does Car Insurance Cover For Pet Injuries Too?

| December 14, 2017

People who own pets are way too attached to them. Pets are their family members. Even just mentioning of their pets getting injured can make them go nuts. Things get awful when insurance companies subjugate pets as owner’s property and not a living being.

However, the coin has the other side too. Since pets come under owner’s property, they are covered by the car insurance. There are certain limits to the extent insurances cover the injured pets.

There are many insurance companies who do not cover for pet injuries. In such a space, getting may be partially covered on the whole does not sound bad. The insurance covers all types of pets.

They could be dogs, cats, hamsters, turtles etc. Also, the number of pets available in the car during the time of the accident does not matter. They all fall under the insurance coverage.

Insurance Companies Respond Differently

The insurance terms further diversify into two. Policies are different when the accident does not happen because of your fault. Also, insurance companies respond differently if you are blamed for the accident. In the former, property damage liability insurance of the person who’s at fault is considered to cover the pet injury.

However, in the latter, the pet will be covered by your collision coverage. Note that if you are at fault. Liability coverage does not cover your injured pet. Furthermore, the coverage in the latter is possible only if it’s mentioned in the policies.

When the other person is at fault, you can claim for the insurance. Treatment cost will be first given by you and later on refunded. Keep the bills intact to claim the refund. Do not try to have a surgery of your pet that does not come with the insurance. Otherwise, you’ll be unable to get a refund for the treatment expenses.

Some Insurance Companies are Better for Pet Owners

There are specific insurers renowned for their policy changes. They took into consideration pet injury while giving out insurance plans. The amount one can claim varies from company to company.

However, it is really thoughtful of them trying to help the poor pets. The names of these companies are Progressive, Farmers and The Chubb group. Progressive Insurance has a policy where pet injuries are considered under policies with collision or comprehensive coverage.

It is also known as Pet Injury Coverage. You can claim up to $1000 for the treatments. However, this does not matter to pet lovers yet Progressive gives away $1000 even in the worst case scenarios when the pet dies due to injuries.

The Farmers offers dog gone good automobile coverage. You can claim up to $6000 for the injuries. This is applicable to both collision and comprehensive coverage. The Chubb Group announced in 2011, $2000 claim for pets being injured in an accident. A great step to show care for the unsung pets.

Be Responsible with Your Pets

More insurance companies should step forward helping the poor pets. The innocent animals are at no fault when an accident takes place. They can hardly express the pain they undergo due to the injuries.

At least, insurance companies can provide them a better treatment. However, even though your insurers cover pet injury, you must keep your pet safe. Do not leave them alone in the cars.

Buckle up the pets like dogs that jump too often. Restrain them while you are driving. Make them sit in the back seat. This will reduce the risk of them getting badly injured. Pet keepers must remember that pets are just like kids.

They need love, care, attention, and protection from their owners. Insurance companies and pet owners must go hand in hand in order to keep pet’s safe and injury free.

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