Can’t Pay Medical Bills For Yourself or a Loved One? 5 Options to Keep You From Getting Buried in Bills

| May 4, 2014

Can't Pay Medical BillsOne of the most common ways that people accumulate debt is due to unexpected medical bills that can lead to financial ruin. Whether you or a family member need medical assistance, it can amount to incredible rates that are impossible to repay. Instead of getting buried in the bills and ruining your financial future, there are a few steps to take to manage the payments.

Negotiate the Fees

Many different hospitals and doctors are aware that medical bills are often too high to repay for many patients, making it important to ask for the fees to be lowered. Send everything in writing and keep a copy for your records. You can also do research to see if the facility is covered under the Hill-Burton Act, which means that they must provide free or reduced costs due to government money that they receive.

Check for No Fault Insurance

According to personal injury lawyers in Vancouver at Kenneth Cristall Legal, If you live in a “no fault” state, then you may be able to receive coverage for your medical bills after a motor vehicle accident. This means that your auto insurance covers the costs even if you were at fault for the incident. If your medical bills are a result of an accident involving other people or an injury that occurred on someone else’s property, be sure to talk to a lawyer about payment options.

Use a Payment Plan

Payment options are always available through hospitals, nursing homes, and physicians to allow patients to repay their costs. You may be charged no interest or a low rate, depending on the location. The payment plan should be drafted in writing for proof that you’re able to pay a specific amount of money each month.

Contact Charity Care Programs

Charity care programs work with most hospitals to assist patients or special needs families with their bills. Although not all of the bills may be paid in full, a large portion can be covered to make it more affordable. Keep in mind that if you are not already insured, it may mean not getting approved for assistance.

Contact Local Assistance Programs

Local assistance programs are available nationwide through the state or local government and can work to reduce the cost of medical expenses significantly. Contact a city representative to learn about the options that are available.

Although it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by medical bills that are difficult to afford, there are several options within reach for those needing assistance. Instead of throwing in the towel and allowing the bills to go to collections, do your research to find the help that you need in your area. Reach out for help whether you are the one requiring medical attention, or if it is a loved one—there are plenty of options for payment that will help you keep your head above water.

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