Budgeting 101: Six Things Most People Forget To Consider When Making A Budget

| November 11, 2014

unnamedMaking a budget seems something you can do on a boring Sunday afternoon when there’s nothing good to watch on TV. However, many people forget the prime ingredients that make a budget effective. They think it’s merely income vs spending. As a result, they come up with a lackluster budget scheme that will unlikely weather financial hurdles.

Your Reason For Budgeting

What is your reason for budgeting? If you are making a budget just because your neighbors do it too, the plan probably won’t be as effective as when you do it with reasoning in place. The main reason for budgeting is to help you spend less than what you make. It aims to pinpoint spending weaknesses and constructs a framework for you to get stronger within those areas. Whatever your goal, whether to save for vacation, pay of debt or put more in your savings, it’s important to determine the reason for your budget and stick to it.

Long-Term Goals

Most people who implement a budget are not thinking long-term. They focus on short-term goals, such as how much they will save in a month or two. Have a specific and solid long-term goal in mind when constructing your budget scheme. Keep in mind that your long-term goals will impact your lifestyle in a big way and will involve a few difficult decisions.

Your Actual Income

Know your exact take-home income per year. If you make $50,000 a year, consider what you will take home after income taxes. Add the fees you pay for health insurance and other work benefits and you will have a different number than what you originally calculated. Once you know how much you end up with, you can make a more realistic budget.

Home Repairs

Your monthly bills including utility, rent, or mortgages should not be the only expenses accounted for on your budget. Other irregular bills, such as home repairs, are often forgotten about. Consider the cost of repairs and replacements before making your budget. For example, a new furnace will pay off with lower utility costs and less repairs, say the experts at  Always Plumbing & Heating. Consider your options with home maintenance and repairs, and plan accordingly.

Take Advantage Of Apps

There’s a lot of mobile apps today that let you manage your budget digitally without any cost. Templates are very easy to use and understand and adjusting your budget scheme to factor in changes are made simple.

Where To Put Savings?

Households that make more money than they consume should reinvest the savings to low-risk investment vehicles that have potential to grow. Leaving it in a savings account will produce measly interest as opposed to investing in stocks of established companies. Depending on your investing experience, you may need to consult a financial adviser to help you manage the portfolio.

It’s important to keep these things in mind when setting a budget. Reaching your financial goals can become a reality with the right steps.

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