Best Ways To Make The Most Of Your Office Space

| April 27, 2014

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Whether you have a small space in a serviced premises or whether you have a large commercial office, there is always scope for improvements. Making the most of what you have is essential to you, your workers and most importantly your workload. There are various factors in an office such as supplies, equipment, furniture and ergonomics, all of which need to be attended to when building, moving or upgrading an office space.

Let’s begin with the supplies. Due to the wonderful world of recycling and advanced technology office supplies are few and far between these days. There is minimal demand for paper as most documents and pictures are stored on a computer’s hard drive or are upload to some sort of cloud network. There is still a slight need, however, and you need to make sure that you are not using too much or too little, by this I mean supply and demand. If there is no need for it then you do not need to get it. Only buy supplies which are essential to you and your colleagues. Items such as cork boards/white boards, paper, pens, pads and staples/paper-clips should all be purchased in reasonable quantities, otherwise you will end up with surplus goods.

This leads nicely onto the subject of space itself. There are plenty of ways you can tackle your space both directly and indirectly. For example, a rather obvious solution to space saving would be to add shelving units, however a not so obvious solution would be to get sturdy stow away office chairs. You could also split team members up into their own cubicles as opposed to having an open plan room. Doing this gives your employees their own personal bubble to do what they wish with, but also presents them with less distractions. Cupboards may appear to be a space saver but in actual fact they tend to be a nuisance. Unless it’s filled to the brim with items you are taking up more space with the cupboard than you are with the items inside it. This demonstrates to others that they are not only on the ball, but they are prepared to be more diverse.

Moving towards equipment and gadgets there are a number of products that an office does genuinely need in order to get jobs done. The total number of people who work for you is also a key factor as you need to be providing all your staff members with the equipment needed for their role. Buying some tech such as laptops or desktop computers in bulk can actually be a good thing as some store managers can offer you a deal for bulk buying such as a discount or store credit. Securing special deals is key to getting high quality and cost effective office goods, as long as you have the budget for it then they will have the time.

Furnishings are a tad more menial within an office, but still play an important role. Not only does it need to look the part but it also needs to be functional for everyone. You could opt for the easy option of getting in a bunch of cheap Ikea furniture and making do, but ultimately you will need to provide you and your staff with items that provide more comfort. Try to consider the ergonomics or the chairs and tables as good ergonomics helps to promote office productivity. You can never really put a price on high quality office furnishings.

For more tips and guidance on space saving in business or to see what others suggest why not look around online for extra inspiration.

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