admin's Latest Posts

Practical Money Saving Tips from Freedom Debt Relief
Regardless of your age, job, or financial status, there are practical things that you can do to save money. Saving money is not easy – if it was, there wouldn’t be nearly as much information on how to do it. But the reality, according to one study, about seven out of every 10 people have […]

Types of Things You Can Do to Make Money While Making Your Own Hours
The typical 9 to 5 job doesn’t work for everyone. Maybe you have a hard time waking up at 5:00 A.M. or you have young children home or attending school and need someone to look after them. Luckily, there are other job opportunities that give you the flexibility to create your own hours while still […]

Communicating Effectively with Your Contractor
Whether you are getting your home remodeled, or are undergoing a huge landscaping project on the side of your home, there is a good chance that you will have a project, at some point, where you need to hire out a contractor. This is such a common part of being a homeowner in today’s society, […]

Do You Need Renter’s Insurance?
Let’s take a walk through your home. What would you do if you suddenly lost everything inside? How much did you pay to build your current wardrobe? How much time and money to decorate that charming living room? How about all those appliances in your kitchen? And then, of course, there are the electronics: television, […]

Frugal Fixes: 4 Automotive Fixes that Won’t Break the Bank
If you are like most people, you depend upon your vehicle for many aspects of your daily life. It is a way to get to work, to take the children where they need to be, and to pick up things you need for the house. When something happens to your car or truck, you need […]

Trusting Your Instincts When Trading
The best traders are the ones that have developed a gut feeling for trading and can follow their instincts, as well as their strategy when they trade. Trading is something that comes from experience and continues to develop throughout a trading career. However, improving your instincts for trading is also something that you can work […]