admin's Latest Posts

Who’s At Fault In A Car Accident?
Working out who’s responsible for a car accident can be a tricky process. It might seem obvious that the person who caused the accident should be at fault, but it’s not always the case. The key word here is responsible, which can carry strict legal definitions. Just because someone caused, an accident does not mean […]

Investing 101
Warren Buffett. David Einhorn. Stanley Druckenmiller. Benjamin Graham. Chances are you’ve heard of at least one of these people at one point in your life. These are only a few of the legendary investors who have inspired thousands of people to begin investing with hopes of becoming rich. When people hear stories of the investors […]

Coin Collection: How to Estimate the Value of Your Silver Coins
It can be difficult to determine the exact value of your coins because you have to find the right buyer. Some coins are inherently more valuable than others. Here are some of the techniques that you can use to estimate the value of your silver coin collection. Check for Dates The date of mint will […]

Got Car Repairs? How to Save on the Parts You Need
Most vehicle owners dread the need for repair work. If something is wrong with your car, though, you have no option but to fix it as soon as possible. Fortunately, car repair doesn’t have to drain your bank account. Smart people can often easily purchase vehicle parts that are reasonably priced, too. Car part replacement […]

Saving for a Big Purchase? How to Put Money Away Correctly
There are some things in life that are pretty costly. Going on a foreign vacation can cost a steep sum of money. Purchasing a brand new motorcycle can be just as pricey. If you want to gather the funds you need for a major purchase, you need to first learn how to stash your money […]