admin's Latest Posts

Long Term Loan or Short Term Loan: Which One is Better?
One of the main factors to consider while taking a loan is its term length. Depending on the reason for taking a loan, you can either opt for a short-term loan or a long-term one. The loan tenure determines the monthly repayment amount, as well as the rate of interest applicable. That is why it’s […]

Finance Tips You Really Ought To Know
Not having a job can be soul-crushing. The days of experiencing the pain of joblessness is over. These tips will help you find a new career, get back into the workforce and earn a good living. You should continue to do good work at your current job while seeking a new job. You will get […]

70Trades Review – A Better Way to Invest in Forex
If you are familiar with investing in Forex, you should have heard of 70trades. By taking the best from automated, algorithm based trading management and mixing in a lot more user control they have made something really special. 70trades offers online resources that are a benefit to all traders no matter if you’re a beginner […]

4 Things you Probably Didn’t Know About Car Insurance
It can be hard to wrap your head around everything you need to know about car insurance, especially when every insurance policy out there is different. However, there are a few fundamental things that you should know about car insurance, as knowing them could end up saving you a lot of money. This article gets […]

Understanding Blue Chip Stocks
Investing is a world filled with jargon. There’s simply so many inside jokes and industry buzzwords, that even experts find it hard to keep up. But some terms remain firmly fixed in the investment lexicon. One of those is a term the finance world has borrowed from pocker – blue chips. If you’ve ever considered […]

What to Do on a Slow Day at Work
A slow day at work can sometimes feel like the most boring thing you could endure. And if you have a job where you can’t simply kick off for the rest of the day, you’re stuck looking for ways to fill the time. However, if you’re a smart saver, you probably have plenty of things […]