admin's Latest Posts

The Best Way to Find the Best Financial Deals
In today’s ‘Information Age’ it seems that we’re forever being bombarded by advertising, links, articles etc. advising us how to find the best financial deals. However, they often offer different advice, some are biased and others are just false claims. So how can we ensure that we truly know the ideal way to find […]

Investing in Your Kitchen
Your kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home. It’s where your children gather in the morning to eat a wholesome breakfast before they dash out the door to catch the bus. It’s where your youngest will smear peanut butter all over the front of the cabinets as they try to help […]

What You Need To Know Before Signing That Mortgage Application Form
One of the most important things that you will ever sign is a mortgage contract. Therefore, before you go ahead to put the signature and your name on the paper, it is important that you fully understand all the terms and conditions. A good option will be to go to a realtor or a lawyer for […]

6 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Tax Accountant
Looking for a tax accountant can be quite overwhelming – there are so many, and they do so many different things! But keep in mind, accountants should not be avoided – they are very useful for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that they can help you with your taxes. Accountants […]

7 Tips To Make Stand Up Meeting Effective
Are you thinking that a regular stand-up meeting is just a conventional meeting where all the employees have to stand, right? Wrong! In a stand-up meeting, three key items are being discussed – what employees did in the previous day, what they will be doing today, and which impediments are delaying the project? Such regular […]

What are the Best Alternative Investments to Stocks?
Stock markets are known for their vicious ups and downs, you might make a buck one day, but lose more the next. Savings rates are at historic lows and showing no real signs of going up enough to make saving worthwhile, so what is the best way to make more money from what you already […]