Advice for Controlling Funeral Expenses
Many people are beginning to look further into the future than just retirement. For those people, the concern of keeping funeral costs under control may seem like a challenge. Every person wants to leave as much money to their family upon their death as possible. There are many simple ways to control the cost of a funeral whether you are planning your own or that of a loved one. The key to saving the most money on your funeral arrangements is to be sure that your family is informed of your wishes as well as prepay for many funeral expenses.
Shop Around
You would not purchase a car or television at the first store you visit, so you should not purchase funeral services at the first place you visit either. It is common for grieving loved ones to select the first funeral home and follow the funeral directors advice of what to purchase. Most of these extra expenses are unnecessary. By planning your own funeral, you can select which services you wish to have while avoiding those that are not needed. Many funeral homes may also offer a lower fee for those who purchase services in advance.
Life insurance may seem unnecessary and costly to you now, but the death benefits provided to your family will typically cover the costs of a funeral. If you have planned your funeral, you will know how much life insurance you will need. Many people rely on life insurance to cover funeral costs so it is important to have adequate coverage. In addition to the funeral costs, life insurance will also help to support your family financially until they can get on their feet after your death.
Weekend Services
These funeral services typically cost more than a service held on a weekday. The reason for this is that funeral home directors prefer not to work on weekends so they charge more for these services. To avoid a weekend service, you can have the deceased embalmed and have the funeral held on Monday. Embalming is not necessary if the person is being buried within forty-eight hours of their death but the cost of embalming is much less than that of a weekend service. Be sure to inform your loved ones of your wishes in advance so that they may avoid an unnecessary expense.
Cremation is one of the best ways to lower the cost a funeral service. If you would rather be cremated, it is important to let your loved ones know in advance. If they are unaware of your desire to be cremated, they may be tempted to have a traditional funeral and burial. Cremation is a more affordable option as you will not need to purchase many of the traditional funeral services. You will not pay for a viewing, casket, plot or headstone. This can cut the cost of your funeral by thousands of dollars. In addition to the cost, your family will be able to place your ashes in a place that was important to you or them.

Category: Family Finances