7 Tips to Help You Keep Better Track of Your Finances and Budget

| August 18, 2015

your finances and budgetLearning to manage your money effectively can create positive consequences in your life. Not only will you be more financially confident, you will be able to save more money for the future. Here are seven tips that will help you keep better track of your finances.

Track Your Daily Expenses

Your daily expenses can add up to a lot of money at the end of the month. A daily coffee and lunch from the diner around the corner can wreak havoc on your budget. In order to curtail excessive expenditures, track everything you spend each day. You will be surprised at how many little things you buy each day. After you do this simple task, it becomes much easier to know where you can cut back, and where you can’t budge on your budget.

Develop a Monthly Budget

A monthly budget can keep you from developing uncontrollable spending habits. This tip will enable you to stay in control of your finances. People who do not have monthly budgets usually waste a lot of money on unnecessary expenditures. To make it easier, start by making a daily, then weekly, then monthly budget.

Pay Bills on Time

keep better track of your finances and budgetLate charges are hidden budget busters. Develop a habit of paying bills on time to avoid any late fees that can deplete your finances. If you pay one late payment of $3 each month, you will have spent $36 in one year on an avoidable expense. This adds up with more credit cards, as well as interest rates for not paying the full amount on time.

Use Online Banking

If you have a smart phone or computer, you can have instant access to your bank account. Using online banking enables you to check your balances and transfer funds from one account to another. Online banking systems are easy to use and can help you keep track of your finances more effectively.

Create a Savings Plan

Saving your money is the best way to be prepared for emergencies. Each time you get paid, designate a percentage of the money to go into your savings account. Be sure to choose an account you don’t withdraw from nor everyday expenses. Money put into a savings account should not be taken out unless an emergency arises or it is time to use the funds, like for education.

Track Your Money With an Expense Tracker

For people who are computer savvy, there are expense trackers that are available to help you control your spending. Many of the programs have monthly reports so you can analyze how you spent your money. This will make it even easier for you to understand your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to finances.

Use the Envelope System

If you are not a fan of computerized programs, you can put your weekly expenditure cash into envelopes. For instance, your lunch expenses can be put in a separate envelope for the week. This will encourage you to spend your weekly lunch allotment wisely.

Keep Better Track of Your Finances and Budget

Keeping track of your finances puts you in control of your money. Follow these tips and watch your savings grow and financial situation improve.

Informational credit to Pinnacle Financial Partners.

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Category: Budget, Financial Planning

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  1. Keeping track of the income is usually easy as there is often only one deposit of your salary every month rather than keeping track of the expenses, which is what we find boring. Though there are several different ways to keep track of your expenses, find your own convenient ways to do it. This above post is really helpful in tracking our expenses and helping us in creating a budget. Need instant cash for emergencies?