5 Ways to Sock Away $100 This Week

| June 29, 2013

5 Ways to Sock Away 100 This WeekYou may think you are a thrifty person and don’t spend any more money than is necessary. But if you really take a hard look at your finances, it’s likely you can find areas where you can save more money. In fact, you may even be able to find ways to sock away an extra $100 this week.

Take your lunch to work

If you eat out every day on your lunch hour, you are spending a lot of money that you don’t need to. Assuming an average of $7 a day for a fast food lunch, that’s $35 you are spending each week. If you take your lunch instead, you can probably save about $25 a week.

Don’t buy coffee or latte

If you are a coffee drinker, you may have an expensive habit. Specialists in payday loan in San Antonio TX provide the following example. Buying a cup of coffee or even worse, a latte or cappuccino, from a coffee bar, can quickly add up. It’s at least $2 to $3 a day. And if you buy more than one, multiply that number by two or three. Instead, brew your own coffee at home and take a thermos with you to work. Or, if your business offers free coffee, take advantage of that. Such a change can save you at least $10 a week.

Kick the smoking habit

An even more expensive habit than drinking coffee is smoking. If you smoke a pack a day, you will spend about about $30 to $35 a week. If you can quit cold turkey, you’ll save that amount right away. However, if you quit gradually — for instance, cutting your habit in half — you’ll save at least $15 a week.

Cut your entertainment spending

Going out to movies, going to concerts or hitting the clubs can get expensive, especially if you do it every weekend.  Limiting your visits to every other week or fusing copons, like the ones found at http://couponcodehut.com,  could save you $10 a week or more.

Bundle services

Experts at Power Finance in Dallas recommend bundling services such as cable, Internet and insurance. Most companies offer discounts when you get multiple services from them, so if you aren’t already getting cable and Internet from the same company, you should investigate doing so. It could save you quite a bit each month.

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