5 Ways To Up Your Grades In School On A Budget
If you’re working hard but not getting your desired results in school, there are ways that you can raise your grades without breaking the bank. A lot of times some students think that the only way to help improve their grades is to hire a tutor. Tutors are a great option, but most of the time they’re more expensive than most students can afford.
But before you decide which avenue of help you’d most you like to take, you first need to evaluate why you’re having trouble, how best you learn, and what you’re willing and able to do to improve your academic standing. Here are some available options. Choose the one(s) that work best for your style of learning.
1. Tutoring exchanges
While some students struggle across the board, many pick up one or more subjects quickly and easily while struggling with others. Speak with some of your classmates or post an ad in the student newspaper to see if anyone would be interested in tutoring exchanges. You can tutor them in a subject in which you’re strong and they can reciprocate in the area in which you’re struggling. This is the best way to do tutoring. As mentioned above, a lot of times tutors can cost more money than most college kids readily have available. But if you’re willing to help someone else out in return, chances are you’ll be able to find a way to make it work.
2. Alternate credit
Depending on your level and professor/teacher, this may not be an option, but it’s always worth asking. Some students perform considerably better on tests than on papers and vice versa. If your teacher has seen you demonstrate a commitment to learning the material, you may be able to ask him to provide an alternative way to evaluate your performance. Sometimes it can seem daunting to ask professors for special help, but always ask yourself this question – “What do I have to lose?” You only lose if you don’t take the initiative to ask for help. You never know what you can do for yourself, simply by asking for it.
3. Bring the material to life
It’s easier than ever to bring academic books to life thanks to the internet. If you’re struggling with geography, consider interacting with people from the region(s) you’re studying on social networks. If science is your problem, try picking up a microscope on Microscope.com to get a good look at the things you’re studying rather than just looking at pictures in your textbook.
4. E-books
Buying more than one textbook on the same subject is often cost prohibitive, but thanks to e-books the cost of buying multiple books on the same topic is lower than ever. Sometimes reading a different explanation of the same material is all you need to understand a difficult subject. Some authors have a writing style that connects with some students, while other authors may be able to reach you in a better way which helps you understand the material even better.
5. Remote tutoring
If tutors in your area are expensive and you can’t find a partner for a tutoring exchange, consider hiring someone to tutor you online. Post ads on sites like Freelancer.com and oDesk.com to see what people have to offer. You may find someone who is willing to work with you for a fraction of the cost of a tutor in your area. Just make sure that the person you decide to work with thoroughly understands the subject before hiring them.
Remember, there’s no shame in asking for help and attempting to get your grades up – and these are a few ways to help accomplish that goal on a budget.

Category: Education