4 Ways to Help Yourself with Medical Debt

| May 16, 2013

Stethoscope MoneyEven resolving your health issues can seem like little relief if the next step is dealing with massive debt. People burdened with medical debt can face stressful creditors, troublesome wage garnishment and more. Medical debt is a real problem in 2013, but there are some ways to help yourself.

Double-Check Everything

Medical care is complicated. Different providers, different people within a single provider, and various insurance agencies complicate things considerably. Mistakes that get made are often not caught for these reasons.

If you owe a considerable amount, it is important to make sure that you really owe every penny of it. It might be tedious, but think of it as a form of personal medical debt relief. Read everything you get thoroughly. If something seems off, no matter how minor, investigate and ask questions.

Research Financial Assistance Programs

There are large-scale organizations that can sometimes provide assistance with medical bills. However, there are also many smaller-scale programs that are not widely known. Doing your own research might turn up programs that you can apply to for assistance. Some of these programs include:

  • Hospital-based financial assistance programs
  • County medical programs for low-income individuals
  • Local non-profit medical aid programs

Some of these programs are time-sensitive, so it is best to do this research as quickly as possible. For example, certain county health programs will pay for care that was provided during the month before you apply, if you qualify for assistance based on your income. If you are unable to do this research yourself, friends and family might be willing to help you gather information.

Avoid Future Medical Debt

Set yourself up to avoid ever running into this situation again. If you can get health insurance through your job or your spouse’s job, great. If not, consider some of these options:

  • Locate local free clinics
  • Locate a nearby hospital with a good financial aid program, for emergencies
  • Apply for Medicaid if you are disabled
  • Get health coverage for minor children through state programs
  • Look into obtaining group health coverage through a trade, alumni or other organization

Fundraise to Pay Your Bills

Many people successfully pay off some or all of their medical bills thanks to the kindness of strangers. Resources do exist that can advise you on how to successfully fundraise for help with medical bills. Especially if you currently cannot work for medical reasons, this can be a good way to start paying off those bills.

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