3 Suggestions for a Smart Online Spending and Shopping Experience

| September 19, 2013

savingnspending imgWhile it is really hard to restrain ourselves from spending our money on useless things (maybe not that useless, but on things that we don’t actually need in this very moment), and it is basically impossible to stop that urge of buying just for the sake of having bought something, there are alternatives and suggestions out there for smart online (and offline) shopping waiting to be discovered. Some of them are right below our noses, like these three suggestions for a smart spending experience.

#1. Vintage Indoor Decorations & Handmade stuff

You know how some things never get depreciated in time, but actually increase in value? Decorations are definitely among those things that will grow in significance as time passes by. This can be a photograph taken in front of some old building that’s about to colapse and get erased from the local history or a painting of a celebrity of famous person. It can even be a statue or figure or a handmade item, made of semi-precious jewelry, silver and other metals. The idea is if the design is pretty much unique or limited edition, or even of different cultural influence, at some point their worth will at least double. So not only did you purchase a great item, but you also managed to secure a small part of your family’s future. We’ve witnessed so many items which in less than 30 years time, increased and nearly doubled their worth. And oh well, people love vintage and the taste of old. Plus, with handmade you get to help the people who dedicated so much time in creating their own little “masterpiece”. And if it’s made out of eco materials, even more of a reason to buy it.

#2. Books and… More Books

Another smart spending experience is related to books. I know that everyone uses Kindles and tablets, and that fewer people actually buy and read books, but it’s impossible to say that books can be just tossed aside. Even for the sake of decorating your home library, they would still look great and give that old taste feeling. Plus the feeling that you’re entering in a calm and peaceful territory, where time stops and nothing ages anymore. Books are a fun experience to just forget about problems and simply enjoy a couple of hours with yourself, while reading the adventures and stories of imaginary or real people. Who doesn’t agree that books are a smart way to spend your money (not to mention they’re actually cheap) should try at least once to invest in this priceless item. Here are some good books recommended by The Guardian.

#3. Recycled Items

As time passes by, we see the environment deteriorate and lose its freshness, its life force. And this isn’t going anywhere towards a bright future for any of us. In this direction, there are ways to shop and buy recycled items, which are well functional and can work as great as new items. Plus, they’re cheaper and still do their stuff. You can shop from recycled furniture to plastic products and pc components, cartridges and more. For example, a recycled ink cartridge can cost as low as $6-$7 USD including VAT (source: http://www.cartridgeexpress.net/Ink-Cartridges/ ) and is pretty much compatible with most printers. So the process is really simple: you shop, you help recycling companies, you help the environment, you make a smart investment. And the result? Well, everyone is happy.

These are just 3 suggestions out of the endless ideas and possibilities out there. If you have other suggestions for a smart shopping and spending experience, be sure to let everyone know.

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Category: Online Shopping

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